August 24, 2008

Lady Liberty

Lady LibertyThis is my first journal page in response to Nancy Baumiller's Collage Play with Crowabout. I feel like I have so many journals started now -- and everyone a different style LOL I decided to do this page in my Heart Speak journal. I cut the binder down to an unsual shape (just seemed like the thing to do LOL) and my requirement for this journal is the pages must all be personal to me and they all must have a heart on them.

I had a tough time figuring out what to do, but it seemed to me that she resembled the Statue of Liberty a bit and I was able to draw a parallel with something currently happening.

I seldom use magazine images, so these should be interesting challenges!

August 16, 2008

Ravaged Heart

Tender sentiments permeate this ravaged heart.
Ravaged Heart - detail

I'm a little late, but this is what I did in response to
Sarah Whitmire's taped page soul journaling prompt. I'd like to try it again with the tape laid out in more of grid. It was a neat background for sure, but it didn't feel done until I put some writing and images on top ... so I did one of my hearts. This heart felt a little naked; I'm used to gunking a lot more mediums on top. I found a good use for some of my rusty nail collection though!

This is also my entry for Inspire Me Thursday. I didn't really plan it this way, but it includes lots of opposites ... dark and light ... hard and soft ... vulnerable and tough.