August 26, 2007
Turtle Fantasy

Crab Attack!
She Commanded

The background is another piece of blotter paper I used when I was working on a project a while back. It was a linen-type printer paper. I loved the look of the inks over the linen texture.
The Oasis

I think this ties in with some of my ups-and-downs the past couple of weeks. I had some very low days followed by a few days of hope and the days of hope seemed like an oasis in a dry barren desert. I realized this all after the page was done, however.
This is my page for the Inspire Me Thursday watercolor prompt. My drawing and watercolor attempt underneath the molding paste was a big flop LOL -- so I painted the texture with Twinkling H2os.

This is a page I did using a technique I posted on the big altered book list. The bird is painted with acrylics. I painted the whole piece and then rinsed the India Ink to bring the painted areas back out.
Practice Face

I don't think the shading in the face is quite right, but I didn't notice there was not a lot of contrast until afer the image was glued down -- but I'm really disappointed in the background and the hair. I need a lot of practice at hair LOL
August 20, 2007
If I Had Wings

August 13, 2007
Heart Journal

I have some other journals ... one nearly complete and one barely started LOL But I seem to have this obssession with hearts the past year, so I decided to give into that obssession and just go with that idea. I decided to take the plunge after I saw this blue heart journal on Karen Michel's blog and also this red one.
I decided I would make my own tall and skinny journal by cutting down a cloth-covered 3-ring binder that would be easy to paint. I just happen to have 2 binders like this -- except both have a clipboard attached with rivets that I could not get off for the life of me. I figured that was no problem with all the school supplies out ... but no ... everything this year is plastic or vinyl ... grrrrr!
I was absolutely determined I was going to make this journal happen ... so in a moment of sheer desperation I took the skil-saw to one of my notebooks and whacked off the corner with the clipboard ... and poof! Problem solved LOL
The more I worked on this cover, the more it strayed from what I had seen on Karen Michel's site LOL
That heart looked too lonely, so I decided it also needed a catchy title. Not letting my obssession stop there ... I compiled a list of about 30 possible titles playing off the word heart. As soon as I started digging through my chipboard letters this title jumped out at me ... and naturally it was not among the 30 on my list LOL My muse is definitely a non-conformist.
August 12, 2007
Duct Tape Postcard

August 05, 2007
Rockin's Girl Bloggers

I used Modern Option iron surfacer and rust solution on her hat.

Class was close to ending when I started him and I wanted to get the face done while teacher input was still a possiblity, so I rushed through Teddy. He was much smaller of course, but I went wham-bam-bang and slapped on my paint in a hurry without changing brushes or rinsing. Karen does hers so fast ... it is amazing to watch. I cringed when I showed her, but I actually ended up with a decently blended face by using the same brush and not rinsing between.

Karen showed us how to take photos, color copies, or magazine pages and give them a hand-painted look. The photos I did were famous people, but I would like to do more of these with some less-known faces ... and go for more of a fantasy look.
Karen is so good at this. She can make the picture all her own ... and even showed us an exercise where she pieces multiple portions of faces together and reworks it to make an illustrative type painting with a lot of personality. I really hope she comes out again ... I just loved her class!
Katherine is far from perfect. I had gluing issues. I got a couple wrinkles in my background papers and Katherine has quite a few as well. I managed to get her painted, but the photo still reveals some of the wrinkles ... and the painting in real life looks a bit more impressionistic than it appears in the photo.
August 04, 2007
Gothic Influence
Sgraffito Doodle

Stiff as a Board

I decided to treat this page more like a gluebook and when I saw all these statue-like images it reminded me how stiff I feel in the morning if I forget to keep turning in the night.
August 03, 2007
Your Numbers Up
Rainbow Pegasus

When I was in the 3rd grade (not the 80s by the way LOL) I decided I would collect unicorns and pegasuses. I thought they were so flippin' cool and so unique. I wanted to collect something no one else was collecting. Then there was this big splash of unicorns and pegasuses ... and they were everywhere! Girls had them on their t-shirts ... on their backpacks ... on their bedspreads ... unicorns plastered all over their walls ... on their notebooks. My dream was dashed! My Mom got me a stuffed unicorn and then I told her I would have to find something different to collect ...
Then I moved on to castles. They also turned out to be a little more common than I would have liked, but never hit the big time like unicorns fortunately ... hee hee
Trojan Horse?

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