I wasn't expecting to get 2 entries done for Michelle Ward's Crusade #13 -- but it just seemed to work out that way when journal ideas preseted themselves :)
I have a story to go with this page too LOL Last week I received an e-mail about a special project forwarded from a man at an outside agency named Fred Fang. That name kept jumping out at me and I just knew I had to bring Fred to life LOL
For my background, I used some spray-paint papers inspired by a previous crusade.

Wow Karen..........this page is awsome. I love your back ground and the birds, I am in the middle of an altered bird book and I might try to get a back ground like yours..........how insprirational. Thanks for sharing.
Your blog looks great and yes I like your doodle. I have posted my doodle on the group pics.
Linda East
karen - terrific page! fred fang is born! great colors....goes nicely with your previous goth entry. thanks for sharing with the team.
That is completely and utterly AWESOME. I love how it just blends all together... and I'd LOVE to know more about the spray paint background.
Keep up the great work :)
Doodles and Fangs and dots, Oh My! Very good journal entries.
Love your Fred Fang piece Karen LOL great name! Makes me think of the Munsters!
Karen, I am not sure which of these 3 pages I like better, I love 'em all! You have such a talent with backgrounds, and I notice quite a lot of diversity in your work, and not only with these 3 pages. Delightful entries Karen, I'm quite a fan of your creations!
Hugs! Vale :D
LOL about the Fred Fang story, awesome!
Wow, Karen! You are creating some awesome art! Love the Fred Fang piece and the Blue Dot piece hits home - I am also undergoing intensive chiro treatments right now.
All of your work inspires and moves me! I'm so glad that you keep on creating in spite of pain and circumstances that aren't so pleasant!
I love it, especially the colors! I wonder if you get brownie points for using something from a past crusade... how clever of you! This just screams "autumn" to me!
Karen, your art journal pages are wonderful... love the variety.
I've "tagged" you - info on my blog.
Very cool, Karen!
awesome pages!
Fred Fang is terrific! Great job, Karen! That name would have cracked me up, too. He has to be an interesting individual!
Really rich journal pages with a lot of depth. I enjoyed hearing about the impetus for the Fred Fang page.
I will have to come back again and check out the rest of your work.
A crusade newbie,
Fred Fang is frighteningly fabulous! jodi
This cracked me up!!
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