I rarely go dark, so I started out brushing wild strokes of Payne's Gray and Micaceous Iron Oxide on -- except apparently I forgot to clean my brush and the bristles were all glued together. I decided to go with the look I was getting and figured this was a good time to play with various painting tools inspired by the experimentations in Belinda's Acrylic Artists group.
I painted a heart with Quinacridone Burnt Orange, which turned out a little too dark on my background once dry, so I went back over the heart with Cadmium Red Deep Hue. I added smudges of True Grey with my fingers. I sanded some red off the heart to bring the dark ridges beneath back out.
The background still wasn't doing it for me LOL So I added smudges of Medium Turqoise. This was a really old bottle of Aleene's and it was super thick from sitting there, which made it work better for this application I thought.
I trie using a bamboo skewer and paint for the lettering, but it wasn't quite working for me -- -especially the smaller letters, so I gave up and went to a liner brush LOL The Ultramarine Blue also turned out to be too dark for the Payne's Gray in th abckground, so I outlined with a souffle pen.
i like this a lot karen. and the nice thing is, you can give it whatever meaning you want, or none at all.
this is absolutely brillant, it broke my heart when i saw it, i wanted to scream NO also.
just stunning.
Very good work on the layering and sanding. The imagery and words cut right to the heart.
Awesome. What kind of paper does your journal have that can support that much weight of paint? Nice.
Hi Dindrane. You didn't leave me an e-mail address, so I will reply here. I use lots of mediums and paints in all my journals -- usually I get plenty of support by doubling up pages -- but this is actually an engagement calendar being used as a journal in a RR and the pages are very sturdy, so they an take lots of goop and abuse LOL
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