February 01, 2009

Heart Page

ProtectorAdmittedly, I was suppsoed to be doing my homwork -- but I felt utterly compeleled to make a journal page -- so I did LOL I was feeling guilty that my treasured Heart Speak book had been abandoned for so long, so I did a page.

I learned something though -- it seems I am driven to create from the bottom up -- meaning I do a base layer and that layer drives the rest of the page. I tried to do my heart and embellishments and then figure out the background, but it won't really work that way for me.

I had more plans for this, but I got such an ethereal look with the Leonardo image -- I couldn't bear to add anything else. I am also posting this for an impromptu prompt (catchy phrase LOL) on The Altered Heart -- just so people don't think I completely abandoned the site LOL I haven't done much heart work lately -- but I'll try to get back into my hearts a bit more ... especially with Valentine's looming!

Also -- this is a bot of a stretch to call it fabric art, but I layered some neat cheesecloth paper I got from my friend Nancy and stitched it on. I love this cheesecloth paper and I see all kinds of potential for it!


jackie said...

I am such a fan of your "Heart" work - this one is fantastic!!

Vicki said...

Karen, this page is gorgeous!!!

Joanne Huffman said...

Sorry about the homework, but I'm glad you're journaling again. This heart spread is great and I think you're right for stopping when you did.


Val Foster said...

I always love your heart art, Karen. After all, you're the one who inspired me to use hearts in my art. This piece is beautiful. Also, the message. I'm so glad to see you making art and posting it on your blog.

Sounds like Nancy brought a bounty of great stuff to share. I'm bummed I missed it, but then again, I'm SO running out of room for art stuff.

Elizabeth Golden said...

Karen I really like your page. Very thought provoking.

Angela Hoffmann said...

wow Karen was coming to see your latest collage and realized i am way behind in visiting! this is amazing!