I'm a little late, but this is what I did in response to Sarah Whitmire's taped page soul journaling prompt. I'd like to try it again with the tape laid out in more of grid. It was a neat background for sure, but it didn't feel done until I put some writing and images on top ... so I did one of my hearts. This heart felt a little naked; I'm used to gunking a lot more mediums on top. I found a good use for some of my rusty nail collection though!
This is also my entry for Inspire Me Thursday. I didn't really plan it this way, but it includes lots of opposites ... dark and light ... hard and soft ... vulnerable and tough.
Really, really beautiful Karen! I always enjoy seeing your new work!
Hugs! Vale :)
Karen your art is beautiful I have visited before and I thought it had been awhile. Well worth the wait.
Nice!!!! Always so glad when you post, makes the world a sweeter place. Don't know how you do it, work and school. LisaTM
Another powerful journal entry. I think this heart looks more vulnerable than a lot of the others you've done; it makes the nails more harmful.
gorgeous, Karen!
This is a very powerful piece and the colors compliment your composition.
Hi Karen! I'm new to your blog, dropped into check out your new page and I have to tell you I love your work!! I will be back to check on your new stuff!!
Carole in New Zealand
quite lovely....
the colors are a great choice...
nice work...the colours are fab!
Karen, I love, love this piece!! The colors, the textures, the hurting heart! Beautiful and strong piece of art!!
Gorgeous, Karen! And it goes way beyond that. All your work has so much depth and feeling to it.
this is fabulous.
This is beautiful! I love the colors and all the elements.
I really like the contrast between the soft colors and the very heavy texture! What a great piece this is.
This is terrific. I love these colors together. Marilyn
This is awesome! You are really working the textures girlfriend! I love how something so textured can still be so sweet!
It certainly inspires me!
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