Here are thumbnails of my circus shrine photos ... you can click on them to go to larger view.
I made this Saturday in Claudia Roulier's circus shrine class. Well I made most of it on Saturday ... because I can't do simple, I had to finish assembling some things at home.
I am not mechanically inclined ... putting the legs on took me half a day LOL The game box I used for the main shrine was very hard wood ... and it did not like nails nor screws LOL After the leg and copper tag fiasco I couldn' bear the thought of using yet another nail or screw, so I used a staple gun to attach the mica ... and that worked like a dream ... now if I could inly figure out how to staple on legs LOL
The topper was like a shrine in itself ... although much simpler construction wise. I recently saw an article by Lou McCulloch in Kaleidoscope that became my inspiration for my shrine topper.
We had a blast in this class ... and Claudia is a fabulous teacher, so go sign up for a class with Claudia if you ever get the chance!
Karen, this is an intricate and fascinating shrine. You really came up with some great images and I love that you have the topper. My favorite part is the elephant breaking out. This class seems to have suited you very well.
This is cool Karen!
Did you make pilot holes for your nail and screws? I can't do it unless I use the little hand held fiskars drill to make a hole then add the fastener. It also helps me to add rub the screw across a bar of soap - it goes into the wood easier. Some people use a dremel, but I love the fiskar's drill - I think I got it at Michael's with my coupon :-)
The class looks like it was a lot of fun!
beautiful karen!
Karen your Circus shrine is wonderful love the elephant and what you did!!
This is simply amazing! There is so much work and detail in it. Love the elephant bursting through!
I not only love how the elephant is breaking through but that you can open up the top and see him inside. This piece must have been a lot of work. Very nice!
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